In construction, noise can be transmitted in three ways, causing a degradation of comfort conditions.

At DECOPROYEC we are clear about the nature of our products and how they can help to improve the acoustic conditions of a building.

The three ways are:

Transmission noise

It is the noise that is transmitted through the air and that passes through the building envelope. With this noise, the solution is to increase the mass of the envelope or add porous materials that absorb energy. With this type of noise, the improvement offered by the sprayed cork is reduced, since we neither increase mass in the support nor is it a porous material with sufficient thickness to allow noise absorption to convert it into energy. For this, we currently have agglomerated natural cork plates with a sound absorption coefficient of up to αw = 0.50.

Impact noise

It is the vibration produced in the support by percussion on construction elements, generally on floors (footsteps, falling objects, machinery ...). The solution to this type of noise is to act on the spotlight, generating absorbent surfaces with flexible elements or floating floors. Here we can considerably improve the incidence of impact noise by generating floating surfaces that prevent the transmission of vibrations.

Reverb noise

It is the background noise generated in poorly conditioned places where the sound when colliding with smooth enclosures, rebounds, generating a return of the sound generated to the ear of the receivers. The solution to this type of noise is to condition the walls so that sufficient acoustic absorption will be generated. The walls on which DECOPROYEC sprayed cork is applied are rough and flexible surfaces, reducing reflective surfaces in rooms.

Transmission noise

It is the noise that is transmitted through the air and that passes through the building envelope. With this noise, the solution is to increase the mass of the envelope or add porous materials that absorb energy. With this type of noise, the improvement offered by the sprayed cork is reduced, since we neither increase mass in the support nor is it a porous material with sufficient thickness to allow noise absorption to convert it into energy. For this, we currently have agglomerated natural cork plates with a sound absorption coefficient of up to αw = 0.50.

Impact noise

It is the vibration produced in the support by percussion on construction elements, generally on floors (footsteps, falling objects, machinery ...). The solution to this type of noise is to act on the spotlight, generating absorbent surfaces with flexible elements or floating floors. Here we can considerably improve the incidence of impact noise by generating floating surfaces that prevent the transmission of vibrations.

Reverb noise

It is the background noise generated in poorly conditioned places where the sound when colliding with smooth enclosures, rebounds, generating a return of the sound generated to the ear of the receivers. The solution to this type of noise is to condition the walls so that sufficient acoustic absorption will be generated. The walls on which DECOPROYEC sprayed cork is applied are rough and flexible surfaces, reducing reflective surfaces in rooms.