In order to maintain the continuous evaluation of all the suppliers / subcontractors included in the list, they are followed up on the orders and subcontracts made, which consists of the assessment of non-conformities, customer complaints, claims from DECOPROYEC SUBERTRES, S.L.U. to suppliers / subcontractors and customer satisfaction questionnaires.
The non-conformities detected are recorded in the supplier / subcontractor file, so that the person in charge of Quality and Environment, in consultation with the manager, decides whether to continue maintaining their accreditation or withdraw it.
As a general criterion, a supplier that does not attend, does not pay interest or ignores any of the claims presented by DECOPROYEC SUBERTRES, S.L.U. they will be excluded from the list of qualified suppliers / subcontractors. Additionally, in the case of having 5 non-conformities or claims on our part in the same year, it will also be excluded from the list.
The validity period of the accreditation is until the expiration of the quality and environmental certificates sent or, failing that, two years from the receipt of the last questionnaire. However, the person in charge of Quality and Environment may reduce said period as a consequence of any of the causes stated above.
Those suppliers / subcontractors that are removed from the list may be re-evaluated if they demonstrate that they have implemented a corrective action plan on the causes of the claims presented by DECOPROYEC SUBERTRES, S.L.U., which must be referred to the person in charge of Quality and Environment. Environment for you to agree to the proposed actions.